I'm going to start here - because so many things, important things started here. First, let me thank Roger Klinger, who shares his photo of my sculpture. This sheet of bullet proof steel for boat hulls starts out in Bethesda Maryland and how many years ago I don't know. I got it as a gift in 1986 (I think). It has been the gift that keeps on giving and that is one of the fingerprints of God.
I am a little cloudy as why I got this as a gift, two 4x8' sheets of bullet proof steel - I think I did something nice and these were a thank you. I choose to remember it this way at least! Ross Rowland was my friend who gave them to me and he was a scientist at the physics experimental laboratories in Bethesda. (By the way the pool where Jesus did a healing and traditionally the faithful Jewish waited for healing was called Bethesda. I was in need of healing although I didn't know it at the time, but God did!)
Metal in the hands of a blacksmith is an exciting proposition: I think everyone has something or used to have something that sets them off and resonates with electric possibility and metal is mine.
I remember I was so excited about the gifts, gifts, to me are more exciting than purchasing something, in a mystical way you carry something more that just the article with you. Plus metal in the hands of a metal guy, well, it can become something more, something awesome and if you invite God to "co-create" then it can become "anointed". That means it has purpose beyond the compliments and financial rewards most expect and hope for. But in this case, I didn't have the sense to ask God, however, He shows up and surprises us unknowingly sometimes.
Like a fine wine that gets better with time sometimes you just have to set treasures aside when you first get them knowing something great lies within. Example, Michangelo took on the marble that everyone else knew had possibilities, but saw the fault lines and had rejected - he saw the Pieta.
Back to the story, one day a buddy of mine Dave was over and doing some tree work with me. We were full of everything in those days and still are, I might add. Dave was walking on a cat walk that led out to a gazebo and the base was probably 8 feet from where I stood. It was one of those electric moments that exist in friendships, he leaned over the railing and reached down a little past the walk way and a look passed between us, he gave his arm a shake and dared me on, I took my cue and vaulted upwards toward his out-stretched hand, we connected, and our combined strength, energy, spirits, or all of the above, lifted me up and over the picketed guard rail and in one fluid motion I landed beside him. We stood stunned - what just happened? In retrospect it was like God wrestling Jacob with one touch his leg went out of socket and in one touch something went into socket for me.
"Forever's Invitation", the title of the sculpture, was birthed in my heart in that instant. I saw that beautiful rusted blank steel canvas leaning against a make shift studio and knew, without deliberation, just how to pursue the transcendent moment in steel. Cutting it out with a torch was easy, I just traced my own silhouette and fired up the torch. Bending the 1/4" bullet proof steel was another matter, it took sledgehammer action and a lot of grit. (I often have shared that, God gives us a Ferrari and he expects us to drive it or sledge it in this case!)
Perhaps the preeminent message of this "touched and purposed" work of art is hidden in its title; "Forever's Invitation". The gesture and willingness to offer a hand up or in my case, knowing when to extend a hand for help up is so critical in life. It is intrinsically part of the Christian message of being involved. Becoming part of a supernatural event of connecting, of helping, showing strength, looking for opportunities in the ordinary walk of life. On the grand scale it is what brings people together to build hospitals, schools, churches, community centers, researching to bring healing, cures, and the list goes on. And yet, it can be smaller and life challengingly profound as it was in this small story.
"Forever's Invitation" has more chapters yet to be written and shared. It is seen here by Mount St. Helen in Washington State and yes it traveled from Virginia to there and back again. I will update and continue the story of the anointed work in my next blog. Please drop me a note. Please visit my little store - I believe I have a piece of hand worked blessing for you or for someone you know. It keeps bread on our table. I have family of six artists that are part of the connection.
God bless
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